Our responsible approach


We work to generate sustainable and useful value in each of the projects we finance.

In addition to our genuine desire to create economic performance for our investors, we are committed to selecting projects that take into account the views of stakeholders, in particular end-users, local authorities and so on.

The impact of our property developments is an integral part of our selection criteria, and we are currently working to formalise this commitment by signing up to benchmark charters, obtaining labels and approvals, and promoting a responsible economy.


Convinced that profitability, social and environmental impacts must work in tandem, we work to promote our responsible and innovative approach to real estate, by actively participating in the working groups of industry associations. To ensure the relevance and consistency of our investments, we call on recognised experts to challenge our managers on each new project.

Horizon AM signed up to the PRI in 2018 and is committed to integrating environmental, social and governance issues into its real estate asset selection policy. In addition, HORIZON AM manages an investment fund called HORIZON IMPACT Compartiment France Habitat, which it has chosen to classify as Article 8 within the meaning of the SFDR Regulation.

Commercial office : 15 rue Cortambert 75116 Paris
Head office : 21 rue Jacques Cartier 78960 Voisins-le-Bretonneux
Tèl : 01 73 00 59 20

Société de Gestion de Portefeuille agréée par l’AMF sous le N° : SG-16000018 en date du 24/06/2016

Sales office : 15 rue Cortambert 75116 Paris
Head office : 21 rue Jacques Cartier 78960 Voisins-le-Bretonneux
Phone : 01 73 00 59 20

Portfolio Management Company approved by the AMF under No. : SG-16000018 dated 24/06/2016